Incessant Rambling: Bloggin' Around

Hey everyone! I just wanted to drop by and greet you all a very Merry Christmas! How was Santa sliding down the chimney? Any great books you've received as presents? Anyway, I know my greetings is a [little bit] late, but hey, "Better late than never" huh?!
I got all theses big, many things going on about school and stuff and I find it hard to look for time for my blog. I know, I know.. Kill me now, T_T So! Has anyone noticed anything new? Huh, Huh?! I got my blog a new look! I'm really happy with how it looks but I'd really love to hear what you guys think.. I'd really appreciate it! *cue tap dance*

It's Christmas! (Well, actually, it's waay past Christmas) Lots of celebration going on here and there, family gatherings all around and let's not forget, all the delicious, drool-worthy food! Received any great books that made you jump up and down like it's the greatest thing on earth? Or maybe at least the second best. The first being the "end of the world" not being the end, hmmmm..

And before I blabber on again, I've got three awesome things to tell you! *drum roll*

There's a new season for NCIS and Criminal Minds! I have been waiting for so long, I cannot tell you how happy I was when I saw it on tv! I missed watching 'em so much! Ooh, and there's a new character on Criminal Minds.. I'm not sure, but I liked Emily better.

All right, that's not one of my "three awesome things" although, that is awesome news, lol. So, the first great news is..


I won a giveaway! Yep, from the generous author Taryn Browning, I won her signed novella, Dark Beauty and two personalized bookmarks! I got these a week before Christmas and it was just lovely! It made Christmas more Christmas-y. Scroll further, cause I got it in several different ways..

And here's another one..

And another one..

And apparently, that's the last one. So a big, big thank you to Ms. Taryn Browning for these lovely goodies. I love her Seeker books and it's a definite must-read!

And my second big thing? Remember when I said that I should have a new blog look and a signature? Well, I've done the former and I'm glad to tell you that I have a signature too! It may not be much but, it's my signature and I like it.. You can find it at the end of this blog post, :)

The third and last great news.. 


There's a really huge giveaway going on right now. And I mean it when I say it's HUGE, O_O
You have got to check this out 'cause it's pen INTernationally and you just can't miss this! The winner will be one lucky gal, I tell ya.. So, just click on the picture and you'll be taken directly to Evie-bookis Blog - Gooduck!

And that is it everyone! New Year's coming, what are the 2013 books you're looking forward to? I definitely have a lot in mind, *evil laugh* So, Happy Holidays and enjoy the days ahead! Signing out -

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