One thing people don't know about me is that I'm.. gay. Kidding! I got you there, didn't I?
Anyway, what I'm supposed to say is I'm a big, big fan of Giveaways. I enter any giveaway that comes my way and holy hell weasel are they many..
So.. Now I'm about to share and blog about one of the giveaways I most recently entered. *drum roll* (And boy, am I serious - there's drum rolling in the background. Oh and are there birds singing, stars twinkling? Disappointingly, there are not.) Okay, I should probably get on to the point.
On to the point - There's this huge giveaway hosted at The Hollow Cupboards for reaching 1,000 followers. How I wish I knew the feeling. Oh well, there's no point in sulking about it - I only have 972 followers to go, O_O (now that's, like, huge) *sigh*
Oh heck, is that the time? I should totally get a hold on myself.
And here it goes - 1,000 Followers Giveaway is being hosted at The Hollow Cupboards blog and it's open INTERNATIONALLY and to US/CAN residents. And as a not US/CAN resident myself, this is great news!
And that's it - I finally said it. And yep, in case you're wondering, I am a huge fan of How I Met Your Mother. It's just a cool, humorous show everyone should watch. It makes one's crappy day, slightly crappy. Ha! It sure does.
And.. Here's a thought - I vote for changing my "blog look". Yep, and I'm thinking how about a signature? Yes, yes?
And that's a wrap everyone! Great day ahead, earthlings! The Holiday's coming..